Winchcombe Remembrance parade- 11 Nov 2018
PGSCCF will attend the Remembrance parade at Winchcombe on Sunday 11 Nov 18. The parade is organized and arranged by the Winchcombe branch of the Royal British Legion. The participants will assemble at 0950 at Winchcombe youth Centre on Gretton Road. The location is opposite the fire station. Please do not block the fire station forecourt.
The event is entirely Voluntary for cadets and we normally have a very high turnout.
Cadets will be transported to the event by their parents/guardians and picked up from the start point after the parade.
Parents and families are invited to attend
Cadets will wear MTP PCS. They should bring their smock (combat Jacket). Cadets will not be permitted to parade if they do not bring the correct clothing to protect themselves from the weather on the day. Cadets should consider the need for warm layers when preparing their uniform on the day.